June 14th: World Blood Donor Day

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There is no doubt that blood donors are lifesavers; this is the reason the World Health Organization (WHO) chose to celebrate voluntary and unpaid blood donors all over the world every 14th of June for their selflessness and efforts to keep other people’s lives.
World Blood Donor Day seeks to create awareness about the need for regular blood donations because this donated blood and blood products help to give individuals and even communities, access to affordable and quality blood supplies whenever the need arises.

It is amazing to note that quite a number of people are still donating blood even during this period of the outbreak of the covid19 pandemic. The theme for this year’s celebration of World Blood Donor Day is “Safe blood saves lives” with the slogan “Give blood and make the world a healthier place”. This is to encourage more people all over the world to donate blood so that more lives can be saved.
Peace and Conflict Resolution Resource Centre (PEACrEc) celebrates all blood donors on this day for giving to save other people’s lives. We use this opportunity to join the WHO campaign to request that more people become Life Savers by donating blood because the peace we seek can be attainable when there are more Life Savers than Life takers.