Igbo Speaking Community Passes Vote Of Confidence On Eze Chika Nwokedi , Insists BOT Chairman Cannot Disown Them,As His Ndieze Council Is Legitimate , Has Powers To Use Association’s Logo,CAC ,RC Numbers

Igbo Speaking Community
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By Daniel Ohamadike 

The Igbo Speaking Community Association in Lagos State, has passed a vote of confidence on Eze Chika Nwokedi’s led Council of Ndieze, insisting that his Council of Ndieze, being an arm of the Community,has the moral, Constitutional rights and powers to display,deploy and use the Organizations logo, insignia and CAC registration numbers on their documents and Certificates.

This clarification according to the Association became necessary following recent  dust raised by what was described as “an Unlawful ,unilateral declaration and an order “purportedly issued by Chief Jonathan Nnaji’s led two Men Board Of Trustees, BOT, which  erroneously banned Eze Nwokedi and his Council of Ndieze from using Igbo Speaking Community logo and CAC registration numbers on their documents.

While debunking the declaration and statements credited to Chief Nnaji,published in an online Newspaper yesterday,(Names Withheld) , Chief Sunday Udeh,who his loyalist describes as the most visible and vocal President – General , PG, of the Igbo Speaking Community Association, declared that the statements in the said Publication were regrettable ,calculated errors, nonsense, Falsehoods and noneity .

In an interview with News Planet International earlier today, Chief Sunday Udeh, who currently is said to be the only known President – General Candidate in the forth coming Igbo Speaking Community’s combined general elections, having paid and obtained intention to contest election form since October last year, advise all parties in the current crisis to adhere to the tenets of the peace accord earlier signed by all the contending parties and sheath their sword in other to allow lasting peace to reign in the Association.

Putting the record straight, Chief Udeh enlightened the Public and stated that : ” The Council of Ndieze is an arm of Igbo Speaking Community Association in Lagos State. They have right to use the Logo and the CAC registration numbers of Igbo Speaking Community.We have five different arms, such as Women leaders group, Council of Ndieze group, Youth Leaders group , Local Government Forum and  One other”.

Backing up his position on the issue of Logo, he said, “Even In our last  Stakeholders meeting, Chief Jonathan Nnaji  himself invited Ndieze Council as Royal Fathers, and if they can be invited as Royal Fathers,as an arm of Igbo Speaking Community, this is showing that they are part and parcel of the Organization and have the right to use our logo”.

Confirming his telephone discussions with Chief Nnaji, Chief Udeh stated thus :”Again,when Chief Nnaji called me and and asked me to inform the Council of Ndieze that they should desist from using the logo that they have no right to use the logo, I told him outrightly that they have the right ,hence they are an arm of the Association “.

“It was then that Chief Nnaji said his anger and reason was because the Council has refused to honor the invitation he extended to them to visit him because of the crisis”.

However , Udeh said that he” told Nnaji ,that his reasons are not cogent enough to stop Council of Ndieze from using the logo. I advised him to exercise restraint and patience as we are still in the peace process and the Council can still honor his invitation at anytime later”.

On the Association’s constitutional provisions, he noted that he was the person that advised the Council of Ndieze to draw up their bye laws which must be in line with the constitution of Igbo Speaking Community.

Reacting to an unconfirmed information that Chief Nnaji has secretly nominated his own choice candidate for the forth coming President General Election, Udeh dismissed the plot and said thus : ” i don’t think it is right considering the crisis on ground ,to bring in a stranger, non members or someone without prerequisite experience to contest the forth coming election considering the crisis on ground. Again the peace accord we signed between the BOT, Secretary and ten other people from the two factions , spelt it out clearly that the election contest is between the two factional President Generals,led by me and Chief Sunday Eze, hence  any other person interested must be recommended by either of us.No outsiders are permitted to contest the forth coming Election, unless someone somewhere wants further disintegration of Igbo Speaking Community”.

Speaking on the reported disowning of Eze Nwokedi led Council of Ndieze by Chief Nnaji led BOT, Chief Udeh Counseled Nnaji and said,” BOT is like a father in all organizations and stands as a father.when there is crisis, BOT comes out as a father to accommodate ,unify and recognize all factions . The BOT cannot Disown some people or group, If we are serious about the ongoing peace accord, the BOT cannot, should not segregate, disown any group” 

Responding to the said online Newspaper publication that allegedly banned his Council of Ndieze from using the logo of Igbo Speaking Community, Eze Nwokedi, in an interview with the News planet International, during today’s pulling – Out Parade of retired Senior Police Officers, held at the Police College, ikeja, reacted that “the publication was fake news,total Falsehood, nonsense fake news from the pit of hell and from the figment of the writer’s imagination”.

He lashed at the Online Newspaper and the Writer of the story, describing them as “harbingers of fake news, confusionist experts and haters of Igbo progress and Ndigbo in  general”.

Eze Nwokedi reinterated the fact that his Council of Ndieze is still intact, not paralyzed, but United and has bigger Financial and numerical strength of 39 prominent Ndiezes, while others contending with them are made up of 4 Ndiezes .

He ritorically asked,” How can someone suggest that 39 Strong,rich, prominent ,viable Ndieze Council , should  dissolve  and Join 4 persons Ndieze Council, it’s should be the other way round “, Okpoko 1 noted.

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