#ENDSARS PROTESTS: HOW FEMALE DPO OYIN, OUTSMARTED HOODLUMS: As She ‘Romanced’ Street Urchins To Avert Burning Of Station

CSP Oyin Francess
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The innate qualities of an astute diplomat in Chief Superintendent Of Police, CSP Oyin Francess, recently came to the fore, when she deployed her God given talent to wade off imminent threat to her life, station and subordinates. It was learnt that at the height of the recent mindless destruction of public and private property, especially police stations, that swept across the country, CSP Oyin exhibited her sterling qualities as she confronted the rampaging arsonists wit for Wit and force for force. Indeed, CSP Oyin confirmed the old saying that leadership entails discretion to make things work for good. Below is what the DPO of Aswani Police Division under the Lagos State Command, CSP Oyin Francess, did to save her station from destruction by hoodlums.
Confronted with multiple options of running away to save her life or fighting till end to become a Martyr, DPO Oyin, decided to outsmart the rampaging Arsonists and hoodlums by ‘romancing’ the street urchins that are also called “Area boys “. ” She not only cooked for them, she also fraternized with them, served the “Area boys ” food and ate together with them, in order to achieve her aim of protecting her station.

With their stomach filled, the Street urchins immediately saw DPO Oyin as their hero, thereby turning against their fellow hoodlums and the rampaging arsonists. This idea, some residents confirmed, worked perfectly well as the area boys automatically joined the Police to protect the Station from the hands of the arsonists on rampage following the #EndSARS protest, which later turned violent.
Oyin, a multiple award winning police officer, including being a beneficiary of the Prestigious CRIME REPORTERS ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA, CRAN Award, is reputed to be loved by members of the communities where she serves.
Her expertise in community policing has endeared her to citizens, even as she was said to have distributed some palliatives to residents during the COVID-19 Escalation lockdown.

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