Confusion, Drama , Free For All Fight ,As DSS Snatch Emefiele From NCS At Federal High Court Lagos

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Confusion was said to have reigned  supreme yesterday at the Federal High Court, Lagos, where the Nigerian Criminal Justice system was also said to have received a shameful deadly blow as Operatives of the Directorate Of State Service, DSS, engaged officials of Nigeria Correctional Service, NCS in a free for all fight before Snatching the embattled suspended Governor of Central Bank Of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele to their detention facility.

Lawyers, Journalists and litigants where running Helter skelter as heavily armed DSS Operatives stormed the court, even as lawyers alleged desecration of the hallowed Chamber.

Despite being granted bail by the Federal High Court in Lagos,  Emefiele was re-arrested by DSS at the premises of the Federal High Court, Lagos after the scuffle.

Emefiele,was earlier on Tuesday morning ,July 25th, 2023, arraigned  on a two-count charge of illegal possession of firearms.

The Presiding judge, Justice Nicolas Oweibo, granted him bail in the sum of N20 million and a surety in like sum.

The judge also signed a warrant for Emefiele’s remand at Ikoyi prison, Lagos pending when he perfects his bail.

But, event took a dramatic turn as the DSS operatives and the prison officials battle for Emefiele’s custody, despite the order by the court that he should be remanded in Ikoyi prison.

Viral Video and photographs showed that the Correctional Service officials who attempted to take the suspended CBN Governor into custody were manhandled by the DSS operatives.

However, moments later, the NCS officials left the court, following what appeared like  intervention or perhaps an order from above.

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